Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску:
- Ruby 3.4.1 Released
- Ruby 3.4
- Seven things I know after 25 years of development
- New for Ruby 3.4: Modular Garbage Collection and MMTk
- Rails 7.2 and YJIT on Heroku
- Magic behind Ruby code you see every day
- A simple trick to understand Ruby’s lazy enumerator
- Superglue 1.0: React ❤️ Rails. A new era of thoughtfulness
- Build Rails Apps with Components
- Stealthly Browsing and Scraping with Ferrum
- Rumale - a machine learning library in Ruby
- Refrigerator - freeze all core ruby classes
- Bun 1.2
- Vitest 3.0 is out!
- Plotly 3.0 - a JavaScript Graphing Library
- 2024 JavaScript Rising Stars
- JavaScript Temporal is coming
- Node’s new built-in support for TypeScript
- Things people get wrong about Electron
- The future of htmx
- All Javascript Keyboard Shortcut Libraries Are Broken
- Postal-mime is an email parsing library that runs in browser environments and serverless functions