Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. Представляем новый выпуск подкаста RWpod. В этом выпуске:
- Rails 5.0.1.rc2 has been released, Rails 5.1: Default Primary Keys Are Now BIGINT, Yarn is good. Yarn works, Basic webpack integration и jQuery no longer part of Rails and more
- 9 New Features in Ruby 2.4, Ruby 2.4 Performance Is Looking Good, Performance and stability in capybara tests и How To Override A Default Scope In Rails
- Elixir, Ruby, don’t fight. Talk… with Erlectricity, Find where the method lies : source_location, Refactoring Legacy Rails Controllers и Mail Previews and Templates (video)
- Announcing TypeScript 2.1, Ember 2.10 and 2.11 beta released, Angular 2.3.0 Now Available и Here’s to the Next 5 Years of MarionetteJs
- JavaScript Developers: Watch Your Language!, Angular 2 is terrible и Custom Elements That Work Anywhere
- TypeORM - an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) for node.js written in that can be used with TypeScript or JavaScript (ES5, ES6, ES7), Ng2d3 - Angular2 + D3js Composable Re-usable Charting Framework, Svelte - the magical disappearing UI framework, PulltoRefresh.js - Javascript library crafted to power your webapp’s pull to refresh feature и Styletron - a universal CSS-in-JS engine built from the ground up for high-performance